Based on the Walt Disney film, Tron: Deadly Discs puts you in the middle of an electronic arena, where you must defeat hordes of electronic warriors attacking you in groups of three with deadly destro... read more
Based on the Walt Disney film, Tron: Deadly Discs puts you in the middle of an electronic arena, where you must defeat hordes of electronic warriors attacking you in groups of three with deadly destroyer discs. Five hits and you're "de-rezzed"...permanently.
Fortunately you are also armed with a destroyer disc that will destroy a foe in a single hit. If you miss your target, don't worry -- you can recall your disc with the touch of a button. Hit the doors that appear along the walls to create teleportation portals that allow you to move instantly to the other side of the arena.
Each warrior you destroy is replaced in ten seconds, unless you clear all three warriors from the board. Accomplish this and you'll regain one unit of energy as well as advancing the level of attackers coming against you. They will be faster, smarter, more aggressive, and worth more points.
The game ends when Tron is de-rezzed.